About Us

We are a technology company. Our vision is to innovatively use technologies to change the world around us for the better. We currently have three technology divisions. One is a Software Development Unit. Another is a Software Services Division and the third one is a PC Assembling Unit dealing with Sales and Services of Computers and Peripherals.

Our software team has two divisions - One in the web products domain and the other in the software projects(web and desktop) domain. Our products division is targetted at two kinds of Products. The first is dot coms - targetting to create the next google or the next YouTube. We do not have a separate Corporate Social Responsibility program. Our whole mission is around our social responsibility. So the second division deals with public service projects targetting the general public.

The software services team is targetted at International customers and we provide all types software and related services at competitive prices. We currently collaborate with our partner Stylus Inc, Bangalore in providing these services.

The mission of the PC Assembling Unit is to reach out to the masses. Our motto for this is "Quality at Prices You Can't Beat". This division currently focuses on the Indian market and specifically the lower end of the spectrum. Our sole objective is to bring down the barrier for owning a computer and to bring IT to the masses.